Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Well, to be honest, you scare me.

I switched out of honors world history today because the teacher scares the nachos out of me. Grown men with beards just naturally scare me (no offense to anyone) because I've seen WAY too many movies, but this teacher also gave me another reason to never want to be in the same room with him.
A friend of mine that has him this semester told me he said this in class-

 "Essays should be like bikini bottoms, big enough to cover the subject, but short enough to be interesting."

Dude, if I was in the class when he said that, I would have jumped out of the window. (You know, because walking out of the door would be too easy.)

If I ever thought there might be even the slightest chance I would see this guy at the beach, I would show up like this-

Abby Noel


Mark said...

That is ever so slightly creepy.

Miss H said...

I think I probably would have laughed at that! I usually laugh at inappropriate things ya see...

Ezazi said...

Oh my God, that's so hilarious!=D

Furree Katt said...

ewww haha what a creep!

Jodie-Ann Muckler said...


Kashaf A. said...


You look cute in the picture.

Kaye Hollie said...

Creepy, and very funny. xD Loved it.

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