Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Advice From Strangers.

I just rewrote this post about five times. The first time I tried to be funny. The second time I tried to make it sound like I didn't just disappear off the face of the Internet for weeks. The third time I almost got somewhere but it turned into more of a diary entry then a blog post. After that I was simply trying to fill this box with some words. 

My nervous system hasn't quite caught up to some decisions I've made recently. I should be absolutely terrified, but for some reason it hasn't hit me yet that I'm going to be in my school talent show. The decision was made pretty spontaneously, so maybe the fear is waiting to strike me in the same way that the idea did. 
The keyboard in my room was looking unloved, so I dusted it off and with the help of the Internet, taught myself how to play a favorite song of mine- Secrets by Onerepublic. Ironically my chorus teacher mentioned the very next day that the talent show is next month. 
Ellie, one of my 7 friends, (Yes, I counted. If I'm going to have such impressive numbers I want to know what they are.) knows how to play the guitar, so I asked her if she wanted to do a duet. She loves the song too, so she agreed, which is good because I would sound like a stuttering chihuahua on the roof of a moving train if I tried to sing alone. (Don't laugh, that's an accurate analogy.) 

So I kind of need some help. I'm trying to find a dress for the show, and I can't pick between these two-

Ellie and I agreed on dressing in black and white because her guitar is black and white, the piano is black and white, and it would just look awesome. So which one do you guys like more?
And how have all of you guys been? I want to get reacquainted with my internet buddies. 

Abby Noel 


Adam said...

I think the black one looks better

Katie said...

You're back! Yay! Now, about the dresses, I like the black one better. Good luck!

Ellen said...

The black one, 100%, hands down, no question. Stunning!

stage daughter said...

hi Abby well i am playing sir hue evens in merry wives of windser for vta so much fun, but i really need to work on my welsh accent haha oh and black

Lilly said...

I loooooove the black one, no literally I am in love.
Can U actually play the keyboard?

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